
There are many adventures to be had in Ordinem. As a Games Master (GM) you can either create your own, or run officially published Ordinem adventures.

Creating Your Own Adventures

Ordinem is a world full of opportunities for adventure. The compendium “Ordinem: The Continent of Scionos” has a wealth of detail about the continent of Scionos, and in time other continents will be revealed. The Scionos compendium describes the lands and regions of this continent, as well as towns, cities and other places and people of interest. Each entry provides detail and colour that leads to adventures, some of which are elaborated in officially published adventures.

To create your own adventure you need to start with a story. Perhaps a mystery, such as why a castles was abandoned, or an incident, such as raids becoming more bold, which raises the question of why? Alternatively, use political intrigue, as things are not running as smoothly as they used to in the town or the land that the characters are in, so what is behind such disorder?

There could be a simple explanation, such as over population, but the best adventures pull the players in as they discover more plots and twists, or discover a hidden truth that explains strange events.

Ideas for Adventures

Here are some ideas for adventures set on the continent of Scionos.

Hillsflow, a Den of Villany

The eastern borders of The Royal Land of Tessar are beyond normal law and order, and on this border is the quaintly named town of Hillsflow. However, Hillsflow is anything but quaint. It marks the edge of safe society, and so has become a den for the corrupt and ruffians. It is rough enough that anyone that cares for their life will carry a weapon at all times, and the authorities of this land look the other way while they have more important security concerns.

Opportunities for adventure include:-

  • The town is rife with thieves, gangs and extortion rackets. For some characters this may provide opportunity, but for everyone it is a danger. Especially where guild turf wars break out.
  • There are monsters lurking in the shadows of this town. Embaucador (see “Ordinem: The Continent of Scionos”) will rob you from the shadows, doppelganger will imitate others, even for political power, and there are wererats living in the very basic sewers.
  • For those interested in political intrigue, the elected mayor Ris O’Brien appears to hold the power. It is no chance that he is mayor, as many would be justified in thinking that the elections are far from fairly run. What connections does he have with what sinister powers within this town? Who does he owe a debt for their help, and who would want him gone.

The Ember Marshes

You don't stray from the trail along the coast to the west of the city of Escar. These marshes and swamps are treacherous as they spread out for over a hundred miles north from the sea.

Never the less traders and pilgrims travel this route, and may be in need of protection.

  • Even near the path there are dangers such as lizardfolk, frogpeople, will-o'-wisp and other undead souls of people that have lost their way in these treacherous waterways.
  • There are the remains of lost settlements and even castles, now the homes to any number of dangers, but may have treasure for the taking.
  • Deeper in there are greater terrors still, including the likes of a black dragon.

Sir Verna, Legend or Pariah

A knight of Valamire, now disgraced. Verna, as he is now known, fled Valamire when he attempted to abduct the princess Isolde.

He maintains that they were to elope, but the king wants his head. Meanwhile Isolde is confined to a convent under special guard, and he has taken control of a hold in The Ridings from where he fights for money.

Now bitter, all he lives for now is to kill the king and take his beloved back. But what is her agenda? Does she want to escape to Verna, or does she have other plans?

Ruins of The Grand City of Delembar

This was once the grandest of all the human cities. But, when the empire of Simia fell the city was overrun and sacked.

Most believe it to be completely ruined and abandoned. However, the land of Karrak has information that The Horde are living in parts of it. A mix of orcs, goblins, ogres and who knows what else have made a town in the ruins. The question is are they growing in strength, and do they pose a threat.

A thousand years ago The Grand City of Delembar was rich and opulent. Could there be treasures for the finding, for those that dare venture into its ruins.

Published Adventures

At this time the compendium “Ordinem: The Continent of Scionos” provides a wealth of adventure on the continent of Scionos. The following official adventures are also available at DriveThruRPG:-

  • The Quest for Kanzar
    A girls misadventure leads the party on an intriguing journey and adventures.
  • Dwarves of Iron
    What are the dwarves of the Iron Hills really up to?
  • The Ghost Watcher
    When a deranged person staggers out of The Bad Lands, it is time for the characters to find out what is really going on there.

Follow this link to find out about published adventures and other source books in Ordinem and Scionos.

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